
The Movement Doc of Texas Difference

Watch below to see what makes our cash based physical therapy services so different. Based out of New Braunfels, TX our role is to cater to the everyday athlete for the recovery and prevention of injuries.

Best Upper Back Exercises to Improve Your Overhead Squat.

Limited upper back mobility (or thoracic extension) can result in compensatory movements in the shoulder, hip, and low back resulting in poor form and injury with an overhead squat. Full thoracic extension is essential to allow for the shoulders/arm to reach overhead and to allow for upright posture. Featured are some of the top 5 exercises to improve your upper back mobility/thoracic mobility. These exercises can also be utilized to improve your front bar squat, overhead press, push press, split jerk and the snatch. 💪👌

Best Hip Mobility Exercises to Improve Your Squat Depth.

Shakira was right when she said "hips don't lie". Our hip joint is the center of our kinetic chain foundation. Thus, it must maintain a combination of both joint mobility and stability. Having the appropriate mobility in your hips (along with knee and ankle mobility of course), will allow you to reach a good squat depth and allow for more EMG activity of your gluteal and quad muscles.

Best Shoulder Mobility Exercises To Improve Your Overhead Squat & Push Press.

The shoulder (glenohumeral joint) has many moving parts including the scapulothoracic joint, acromioclavicular joint (AC joint), and the sternoclavicular joint (SC joint) that must work in concert together. Without having the necessary mobility (as well as strength and stability), you the fitness athlete, may be more susceptible to compensatory movements or injury

Knee Mobility Exercises to Improve Your Squat.

Hi fitness athletes! Is your lack of knee mobility inhibiting your ability to pop, lock, and drop it? 💃🏻Or maybe you just lack the range of motion to move into a deeper squat? 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♂️ While the knee joint is primarily designed for stability, it’s essential for the knee to have normal range of motion for functional activities. 🚴🏻‍♂️🤾🏽‍♂️⛹🏻‍♀️ Featured below are 5 functional exercises that prime the knee for squats. Although these exercises are demonstrated under our knee section, they are very well appropriate for mobilizing your hip as well! 💪🏻🙌🏻