Our Rates

At The Movement Doc, we pride ourselves on having unrivaled transparency, which is why our prices never fluctuate. We believe that our specific treatments for your goals and needs should be individualized, but our prices should not.

As a customer, you should feel comfortable knowing exactly how much you are paying before you ever walk in the door.

No guesswork. No hidden costs.

Whether it's an initial evaluation, follow-up session, movement screening, running analysis, injury programming, or anything else we offer, know that you are getting our highest quality care, every hour, no matter what.

Initial Assesment

The first step in your physical therapy journey is the evaluation, where you meet your physical therapist. During this session, you will discuss in detail your impairments/limitations and identify your goals. Dr. Ponce will perform a thorough movement assessment, identify target tissue, and employ evidence based treatments to best alleviate symptoms. Unlike traditional assessments, at The Movement Doc, treatment starts on day 1.

Total Session Duration: 90 min

Cost: $175

Now Accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance

* Elevation, Southwest Training, and Aftermath CrossFit gym members receive a 10% discount!

After the initial assessment, Dr. Ponce will recommend a package based on severity, irritability, chronicity of symptoms. Each session will consist of manual therapy intervention/techniques, dry needling (if appropriate), soft tissue mobilization, and therapeutic exercise.

Total Session Duration: 60 min

Treatment Packages

Now Accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance

Individual Services

Dry Needling Only (30 Min): $75

Cupping (30 Min): $50

* No discounts available for these services.

* Not covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield